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Events Integration - FAQ

Frequently asked questions and answers regarding the Events Integration

Written by Lydia Olu-Harding
Updated over a week ago

We’ve compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions about our Events Integrations. If you don’t find what you are looking for, refer to the Salesforce Events Integration Details article or reach out to our Support Team.

JIRA Requirements

  1. What versions of JIRA can Qualio Events Integrate with?

    Qualio only integrates with the JIRA cloud product. We do not support any integrations with any on-premise versions of JIRA.

  2. Can we import our old JIRA's into Events?

    It is not currently possible to import your older JIRA's into Qualio.

Salesforce Requirements

  1. What Salesforce objects can Qualio pull?

    Currently, Qualio can pull Cases from the Salesforce Case Manager. When queried, most customers reported that they use the Cases object. However, if you would like to import a different object, please notify Support or your Customer Success Manager to assist with a product enhancement request.

  2. What object data (fields) can be pulled from Salesforce cases?

    Qualio has access to pull all standard and custom fields on the case record, but you may choose which fields you would like to view on the Qualio event by creating field mappings on the template.

  3. What happens to the Salesforce case after it has been pushed to Qualio?

    At the moment, the Qualio/CRM integration is not bi-directional, which means data cannot be pushed from Qualio to the original CRM case. Work with your Salesforce Administrator on a process to manually or automatically update and/or close events once pushed to Qualio.

  4. What kind of Salesforce Account is needed?

    We require a Salesforce API level user. We do not need access to log in to the Salesforce Interface. We recommend customers don't set a password timeout on their integration user. If that is necessary, customers will have to submit a support ticket 4 weeks before the change is due to change it.

Imported Events

  1. How can I leverage Salesforce data on Qualio events?

    Data captured in Salesforce can be mapped and automatically added to a Qualio event using curly bracketed API field names. Ex: {{ NAME }}.

  2. Where can I find my imported events?

    Browse to the Events Reporting page, then select “Imported” from the Issue Status dropdown.

    You may also be able to find imported events based on the template name if a unique event template was created for Imported Events, or by the event owner since all imported events will be assigned to only one user.

  3. Who are imported events assigned to?

    All imported events are assigned to one Qualio user. This is part of the configuration file created during the initial setup. If this needs to be adjusted, please reach out to Qualio Support.

    Once the event is imported, the assigned owner can triage and change owners as necessary.

  4. Can I import historical events?

    While it is technically possible to batch load past event records into Qualio, that is out of scope/pricing for general use and will require custom scoping from the Qualio Engineering team.

  5. Why is my Salesforce data not mapping accurately to the Qualio Event?

    We have seen some rare instances where formatting on the Event Template has broken the mapping. To resolve:

    1. Open the template in question

    2. Select the Edit Content button of the section with broken mappings

    3. Highlight the entire mapping including all curly brackets

    4. Clear formatting by first clicking the “More Text” button, then the “Clear Formatting” button.

  6. Can tags be statically assigned to imported events?

    No. Tags can manually be applied to an event after it is imported, by either the event owner or any Quality User.

  7. What DATE field can I use in Salesforce if I just want the date, not the date and time, or can Qualio only copy the date?

    Consult with your Salesforce Administrator on available date fields that can be mapped. Qualio does not automatically manipulate imported data.

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