Qualio takes both the security and the redundancy of customer data very seriously. The information in this article is provided to Qualio customers for the express purpose of Supplier audits and certifications. For additional inquiries, customers can email the Qualio Quality Team: qualityteam@qualio.com. However, Qualio reserves the right to limit responses due to the security of all customer data and proprietary information.
Data Security & Storage Policy
Qualio uses AES-256 technology to encrypt data in AWS, including Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) server-side encryption.
We only use SSL certificates issued from trusted Certificate Authorities (CA) so our clients are not vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
As customers edit documents in Qualio, changes are saved to our servers every 10 seconds. This protects their work and is safe from any crashes on their machines or their hard drives.
All data sent to or from Qualio is encrypted in transit using 128-bit encryption.
Our API and application endpoints are TLS/SSL only. This means we only use strong cipher suites and have features such as Perfect Forward Secrecy fully enabled.
Qualio is hosted on Amazon AWS (https://aws.amazon.com/), a global industry leader in hosting scalable architectures in the cloud.
We use AWS RDS for hosting our database.
Customer documents are stored on an elastic filesystem (EFS) in AWS. EFS storage is distributed across an unconstrained number of storage servers. This avoids bottlenecks and constraints traditionally associated with file servers
Qualio does not support or provide customers with direct access to the database or to backup files.
Customers can export their documents and other Qualio records from our servers as PDFs - i.e. in a global, vendor-neutral document format, accessible over all major operating systems (Windows, OSX and Linux).
Daily Backups
Qualio takes the approach that a backup strategy is required to address the highly unlikely worst case scenario. Qualio's RDS database automatically creates a backup, known as a snapshot, every 24 hours and stores this snapshot in S3, in a bucket owned and controlled by AWS. We configure AWS Backup to create a full backup daily and retain those daily backups for 2 months. These backups are for disaster recovery purposes to facilitate rollbacks, if needed. The content in Qualio, however, is stored indefinitely.
The image below displays the AWS interface with details of the Daily Backup plan.
Monthly Backups
Every month, a monthly backup is created and retained for 1 year. These are stored as encrypted images in S3.
The image below displays the AWS interface with details of the Monthly Backup plan.
The images below provide evidence that Qualio Backup plans are active and running. New images will be provided quarterly.
Q4 2024 - Snapshot captured November 28, 2024
Q3 2024 - Snapshot captured August 24, 2024
Q2 2024 - Snapshot captured May 16, 2024
Q1 2024 - Snapshot captured February 14, 2024
Q4 2023 - Snapshot captured November 21, 2023
Q3 2023 - Snapshot captured August 13, 2023
Q2 2023 - Snapshot captured May 15, 2023
Q1 2023 - Snapshot captured February 1, 2023
Q4 2022 - Snapshot captured November 8, 2022
Q3 2022 - Snapshot captured August 19, 2022