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Qualio API Deep-Dive

Additional API Information including Architecture, Data Library, and Data Relationships

Meg Sinclair avatar
Written by Meg Sinclair
Updated over a week ago

API Details

Architecture diagram

In the diagram below, we can see how data flows in and out of the Qualio API. How can it be facilitated and which actions can we take. 

Qualio API can be contacted either directly (from a custom piece of software or a simple script) or through intermediate help of another system (like Zapier). 

Interactions with Qualio API can be split into two categories: 

  • Input Actions - marked by blue arrows, 

  • Fetch Actions - marked by red arrows

For the purpose of illustrating how the integration through Zapier might work, we’ve marked “triggers” (actions fired when Zapier detects that data has changed on the Qualio side) with yellow arrows.

Available data and actions

Note that currently, only a subset of the functionality available through the web app ( was made available on the API. This is a subject to change as we’ll continue to expand the API as we get more feedback from our customers.

Available data

Whenever you’ll want to retrieve data from your Qualio account, you’ll be writing a query in which you’ll specify what data do you want to get in return. The table below lists the roots your query can start with. 

Remember, data in a GraphQL API can be nested and linked from one to another - this means that in your query you can go beyond root query and retrieve arbitrarily nested data in one go.

For instance we currently don’t expose a root query for returning list of Change Control documents, however, this doesn’t mean you can’t get a list of CC documents as you can create a query that will return you list of documents, and for each of those, you can request respective CC document details.

See Appendix 1 at the end of this article for a visualized representation of available data and their relation to one another.

documents - Return a paginated list of documents.

users - Return a paginated list of users.

approvals - Return a paginated list of approvals.

reviews - Return a paginated list of reviews.

trainings - Return a paginated list of training (pending, completed, overdue and so on).

audits - Return a paginated list of audit trail actions.

tags - Return a paginated list of tags.

attachments - Return a paginated list of attachments.

documentTemplates - Return a paginated list of document templates.

changeControlTemplate - Return current CC template details.

company - Return company details.

me - Return details of currently authenticated user.

Whenever there’s a question of altering the data in Qualio in some way you’ll use actions. Actions are defined methods for modifying data in your Qualio account. Consult our developer’s documentation for details on what the expected input for each action.

createDocument - Create a new Document in Qualio.

createChangeControl - Create a new Change Control document and associate it with a certain Document.

changeOwner - Change owner of a Document to a given one.

sendForReview - Send a Document for review.

sendForApproval - Send a Document for approval.

uploadAttachment - Upload new attachment to your Qualio account. Later you can reference attachments (either existing ones or uploaded through the API) in a document content to have attachments associated.

Appendix 1

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