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AI-Powered Content Writing
These new editor features can help you refine and enhance the content of your documents, ensuring clarity and consistency in your writing.
Summarize: Get instant summaries of complex documents with auto-generated bullet points and sections.
Improve Writing: Refine and polish your writing with AI-powered suggestions.
Simplify: Adjust the language complexity to ensure your content is easily understood.
Convert Instructions: Transform process descriptions into clear, step-by-step instructions.
Make Language More Authoritative: Ensure procedures and processes are followed precisely with authoritative language.
Generate Change Controls
Automatically summarize the differences between two document versions, saving you time and reducing the potential for manual errors.
Generate Training Assessments
Quickly create training assessments based on the document content, ensuring your team is up-to-date and compliant.
Smartlink to other Qualio documents by @mentioning the document's ID or title, or part of the title, then select from the list of documents that appear. You must enter at least 3 characters after the "@" symbol for results to be populated in the dropdown.
Smartlinks will always point to the most recent effective version of the linked document, eliminating the need to update Smartlinks as documents are updated. If the smartlinked document has been retired, the smartlink will direct Quality users to the retired document, but Normal and Basic users will receive an error message indicating they don’t have access to view the document.
Document authors can only smartlink to other Qualio documents; events, tasks, etc. cannot be smartlinked in documents.
When searching, the user will see a dropdown of 25 suggested documents based on the search term in their ID, title or document type. There could be more than 25 matching documents (depending on the specificity of the search term), but for usability reasons we only show the 25 most recently modified documents in that dropdown. However, if there is a document whose ID, title or type exactly matches the search term it will be included in the 25 suggested documents, regardless of when it was last modified.
Example: You have over 150 Policy documents and have most recently updated policies POL-125 to POL-150. But you want to Smartlink to POL-1. Because you specifically typed “POL-1” it will appear in the dropdown even though it has not been updated more recently than other documents meeting that criteria.
Note: Documents imported via OneDrive currently do not support smart links. However, you have the option to convert these OneDrive documents into Qualio native documents to enable smart linking functionality.
Text Formatting
Tool Name | Icon | Example | Description |
Headings | Heading 1Heading 2 | Used for content structure. Also aids the readers, making the content more organized and easier to read. | |
Bold | Bold | Use the bold toolbar button or type **text** or __text__ | |
Italic | Italic | Use the italic toolbar button or type *text* or _text_ | |
Underline |
| Use the underline toolbar button or type `text` | |
Font Size | Adjust font size to ‘Small’, ‘Normal’, ‘Large’. | ||
Strikethrough |
| Use the strikethrough toolbar button or type ~~text~~ | |
Link |
| Insert hyperlinks into edited content | |
Text Alignment | Center Right Left | Use text alignment to align the content to left, right and center or to justify it. | |
Block Indent |
| Increased Decreased | The block indentation feature allows you to set indentation for text blocks such as paragraphs or headings and lists. |
Font Color |
| Control the font color. Select from 15 pre-selected colors. |
Font Background Color |
| Control the font background color, similar to highlighting. Select from 15 pre-selected colors. |
Subscript |
| Select text, then click the button to create a subscript. Utilized in chemistry and math texts. | |
Superscript |
| Select text, then click the button to create a superscript. Utilized in chemistry and math texts. | |
Block Quote |
| A block quote may be used to refer to what other authors said, support your idea or present different points of view that may not necessarily be in line with the document you write, but should be included. |
Remove Formatting |
| Remove formatting after copy and paste from an external source |
💡 You can drag and drop content from one section to another.
List Options
Tool Name | Icon | Example | Description |
Bulleted List |
| Insert bulleted lists of different styles. Also called Unordered Lists | |
Numbered List |
| Insert lists using whole numbers, roman numerals, or letters. Also called Ordered Lists | |
Section List | The first number in the list is dictated by the Document Section number. The same reference number can’t appear twice. And if you restart a list, it will start at the next reference number. |
Control indents using these keystrokes:
Return: Begin a new list item.
Shift+Return: add space between two list items.
Tab: Add Sub-Item.
Shift+Tab: Shift Sub-Item leftwards.
Backspace: Remove Item or space before an item.
Cannot have two lists continue one after another - add a line-break to reset the count.
Document Options
Insert Options
Tool Name | Icon | Example | Description |
Insert Files |
| Browse for file in the file finder. Files will be hyperlinked, and downloaded when clicked. No restriction on file types. ¹ | |
Insert Table | Insert various sized tables. See Table Options below for more information. | ||
Insert Checkbox² |
| Insert an open checkbox from the toolbar, then click to mark as completed. | |
Insert Image | For supported file types, see Image Options and Details below. | Browse for an image in file viewer, or you can drag and drop images directly into the editing area. | |
Insert Code Block | Insert code block to present programming or software related issues in an accessible, and readable format | ||
Insert Special Characters |
| Insert characters and symbols that serve a specific purpose, like mathematical operators, currency symbols, arrows, etc. | |
Insert Page Break | Insert a page break where your cursor is located. This page break will be reflected in the export. |
PDFs must be previewed before downloading. Preview will display up to 50 pages.
Checkboxes are not compatible with Firefox.
Image Option Details
Images can enhance documents by including logos, step-by-step visual instructions, etc.. Images can be dragged and dropped onto a document or inserted using the image tool in the toolbar. After adding an image, it can be resized, properly aligned, include a caption, and hyperlinked. Images can have wrapped text to conserve document space. And if a paragraph is needed before or after the image, use the arrow that appears above and below the image when is selected.
Supported image file types:
File Upload Options
While there are no restrictions on the types of files that can be uploaded, the size of the file must be under 100mb. There will be visual indications of in progress, successful and failed uploads. The primary cause of failed uploads is file size. Check that your file is less than 100mb.
Table Options
Creating Tables
When adding a table to your document, you will select the number of rows and columns. The maximum number of rows and columns to start with is 10x10, however, you can add more rows and columns as displayed in the gif below. Tables can also be copied and pasted from other sources onto a document.
Add Text Before or After a Table
If you first added a table to a document section, then later realized you could not insert text above or below the table, use the small blue arrow button that appears on the top and bottom of the table to insert a paragraph block, as displayed in the gif below.
Add or Remove Numbering Before or After a Table
If you have a table that is embedded in a multilevel list, we recommend utilizing the arrow buttons described above as well as the increase/decrease indent button to ensure that you can keep your numbering in-line as you intend.
Step-by-Step - Removing the numbering in front of the table within your list
Press the top arrow to insert a line above the table
Backspace/Delete the list number/letter above the table
Step-by-Step - Adding a new line of your list below your table
Press the arrow at the bottom of the table
Press the increase indent button once to continue your list inward (1.3.1. to
Press the decrease indent button once to continue your list in-line (1.3.1. to 1.3.2.)
Press the indent button twice to step back one level in your list (1.3.1. to 1.4)
Column, Row, and Cell Tools
Column and Row tools allow you to make a Header Row or Column, insert, delete, and select row or columns. Cell tools allow you to merge and split cells.
To adjust a column width: drag the column bar to the desired width.
To adjust a row height: select the row or cell then click the Cell Properties button (far right). Adjust the Dimensions Height fields as needed by entering the pixel dimensions.
Table Captions
Add or remove table captions to display information above the table as displayed in the gif below.
Table and Cell Properties
Adjust properties for the entire table or specific cells like background color, border style, dimensions, and alignment. There are 15 preset colors to choose from, or you can type directly into the color field the RBG or # value (e.g. “#3D4CF2”, or “rbg(61,76,242)”
When editing the border of the table or a cell the Style, Color and Width must be entered for the border to change.
Table Colors
There are 15 preset colors to choose from, or you can type directly into the color field the RGB or # value.
Copy/Paste Tables into Lists
When copying/pasting tables into lists and want the table aligned with the list, do the following:
Copy & paste the table to the desired location in the list. The table will be left aligned to the document, not the list.
Click the button in the top left corner. This will highlight the entire table (in blue).
Click the Numbered List button in the toolbar. This will add a number to the left of the table.
Click the return arrow (⮐) on the top of the table. This will add a line above the table and place the cursor next to the number.
Click the delete button twice. This will remove the previously added number, and align the table in your list.
Still have a question about the editor? View the Editor FAQ article.