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Editor FAQ

Common customer questions regarding the new document editor

Written by Lydia Olu-Harding
Updated over a week ago

In February 2023, Qualio updated the document editor to provide more robust editing and collaboration features for users. To help customers become more familiar with the editor, our Product team hosted a customer webinar that included a Q&A session. Access the webinar recording below, or view the Q&A collection from the webinar below.

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Attachments, Smartlinks, Hyperlinks

  • Will we not be able to download an attachment?
    Attachments can be downloaded by clicking the attachment link. A preview of the attachment will open and a download button is available along with zoom in, zoom out, scroll preference, and print.

  • Can attachments be added to a template?
    Yes, you can add attachments to a template.

  • Can I embed a link to a doc. outside of Qualio, e.g. to a doc. within Google Drive?
    Yes, you can embed a link to a Qualio document within Google Drive, but ensure you are logged into Qualio to be able to access the link from e.g. Google Drive.

  • How do I add smartlinks?
    With the new editor, there is no button, but the @mention functionality is still available. In your text, type the @ symbol and begin typing either the document ID or Title. Then select the document from the dynamic dropdown. See information regarding Smartlinks here.

  • Can you also make links to other quality documents of your company that are in Qualio? (either in draft or published format)
    You can smartlink to another qualio document using the @ symbol. This will create a search prompt and the document selected will be inserted into the content.

  • How will the attachment section look in effective documents?
    Effective content created using the old editor won’t change, so will render the same as before; there’ll be a list of attachments with a download button as before. For documents being drafted in the new editor, you can now add an attachment anywhere within a document - you’re no longer limited to a specific section. These attachments will appear as a hyperlink of the file name.

  • If a PDF attachment has editable cells for data capture, does it lose this functionality if opened inside Qualio?
    The PDF must be downloaded and opened externally for this functionality to work. The updated PDF would then need to be reattached to a Draft version of the document.

  • Can we add links to Events (e.g. CRs)?
    Smartlinks to events are not available at this time

Collaboration Tools

  • Do I need to be in EDIT mode in order to leave a comment?
    No. Comments can be added to documents whether you are in EDIT, SUGGESTING, or VIEWING mode. Learn more about commenting here.

  • What happens to comments in the new version once resolved?
    Comment history is now available for each document via the More actions button. See more information here.

  • Are the track changes automatically on during editing?
    Go into suggestion mode for tracked changes. This option is available when a document is in draft and in review mode.

  • Can we maintain a copy of a reviewed doc. with all Comments and Suggestions before accepting? This would be very helpful as a part of the change control record.
    Tracked changes are included as part of the comment history feature, so there is a record of all the comments and suggestions that were made. It won't be an exact copy of all the suggestions and comments as this could look cluttered over time, so we are bringing them into history to give you the record of the comments and suggestions.

  • How does a reviewer end a review session?
    By clicking the 'Mark as Reviewed' option.

  • Does compare against show the redlines?
    No, compare against compares the difference between two version of the content.

  • What is the expected date that resolved comment viewing will be added?

    Resolved comment viewing is available as of June 15th, 2023.

  • If I export a document in Review, will the comments and suggestions go with it?
    Suggestion highlighting is shown on the exports.

  • So once the document is approved the comment goes away?
    The comment history is available post-approval to Quality users and the document owner via the More actions button.

  • When comments are removed, are they retained anywhere?
    This is retained and available in Comment History as of June 15, 2023.

  • Can we see redline copy after document is effective?
    No, once the document is effective you see a clean version of the content with no comment or suggestions. As a Quality user or document owner, you still have access to the suggestion and comment history while the document is effective.

  • What actual difference is there between editing and suggesting?
    The same functionality is available, however, when you make a change in edit mode, the content is changed. When you make an edit in suggestion mode, the content is marked for change, and the change must be accepted. (This is the same as tracked changes or redlines.)

  • Can we see comments after the document is effective? If yes, then who can, Quality users or Basic users or both?
    The comment history will be available after the document is made effective. This is available to the owner and Quality users.

  • Which users can see the history.
    If you are referring to the Comment History that is available to the document owner and Quality users.


  • Will there be more granularity in the font sizes in the future?
    This is not planned, but if there is a need, we will of course take it on board so if you have additional requirements, please do contact us at

  • Can I now select multiple text fields by holding Ctrl so I could maybe bold in bulk?
    In the content of a document, you cannot select multiple portions of text to bold. Multiple contiguous cells in a table can be selected to bold, as needed.


  • Was a VAL Pack released for this?
    Yes; the validation documents regarding the new editor release can be found here:

  • Will the updated editor be added to other sections, like Events?
    In time the updated editor will be added to other areas where applicable, as we enhance the overall experience within the product.

  • In my sandbox, my drop down under "more actions" does not have 4 options. it only has "change owner" and "delete".
    The document may already be converted to the new editor or was originally created in the new editor, in this case the option to convert will not appear.

  • Will there come a digital representation of the landscape mode?
    We are looking at improving our ability to work with wider content, especially tables. However, there is no firm dates at this time as to when a solution will be delivered.

  • Shouldn't the page number start at 2 when you do not include the cover page (and maybe have some kind of hint that the cover page is excluded)?

    If we started at page two we found that people thought a page was missing which caused confusion. Using another indicator on the export to show the cover page was included is something we will consider as a future update.

  • Can we have a table view of the Design Controls tool? Would this be compatible with uploading .csv files?
    This was sent by an anonymous attendee so please do contact us at if you need further information and you can expand on your question.

    No, importing/embedding other parts of the product such as Design Controls is not possible with the Editor. Design Controls also does not currently support importing requirements, test cases, or risks via csv or other.

  • What export formats will be made available beyond the excel worksheet that was available before?
    Other than the addition of landscape export and the ability to export without a cover page, no other changes have been made to the export. Click here for more information about exporting documents.

  • Is there a way to stretch "margins" on different sections?
    No the margins are fixed across all sections.

  • How can I discard a draft?
    Yes you can delete any draft. See our help center article here to learn how to delete a draft.

  • Are any browsers incompatible with any of the editor tools?

    Checkboxes are not compatible with Firefox.


  • Is there a feature similar to "cross reference" in word, to reference section numbers that will automatically change when the list numbers are modified?
    No, the section headers are tied to the TOC, there is no dynamic "cross reference".

  • The nested number list is not in a sequence. if I insert an image between for ex. 1.1 then an image and if I press the list options I can't get 1.2.
    Assuming a multi-level list is selected and the indent level is the same the next number should be 1.2. If this isn't working as expected please send us more details on and we will look into it for you.

  • The multilevel numbering is linked to the table of content or not?
    Multilevel numbering is not linked to the table of contents.

Owners & Authors

  • Is it possible to have two document Owners?
    It's a single document owner approach to ensure you can maintain control, you can however transfer ownership back and forth if you are collaborating on it. You could also add the second person as a reviewer and allow them to suggest changes to get their input.

  • Is there still an author and an owner?
    Yes, the author and owner functionality has not changed as part of this update.

  • Is the function of changing ownership still limited to quality users?
    Yes, the change ownership functionality has not been updated as part of this release

  • So can only the owner author the document?
    Only the owner can edit a draft document. Document Owner vs. Author


  • Can I copy and paste tables?

    Yes, you can copy and paste tables.

  • I'm unable to draw tables with more columns. Is there any trick to do that?
    You can use the toolbar to enter a 10x10 table after that the table tools can be used to add columns and rows as needed. See more information on table tools.

  • Can you merge or split cells in Qualio? Can you import a table with merged or split cells?
    Yes, you can merge and split cells in the new editor. it will be in the cell property toolbar above the table. You can also copy in a table with merged or split cells. See more information on table tools.

  • Do we have better control over table formatting? We ran into issues with changing cell size etc, where the cells would automatically revert back instead of staying the size we chose.
    Yes, cell resize is more robust and should stay as you have set it.


  • Can we select individual templates to convert to the new editor, or will it be all or none converted?
    All templates convert with the release of the new editor.

  • Do we have change control for document templates?
    Not at this time, but it is an improvement we do intend to bring to the product in the future.

  • Can attachments be added to a template?
    Yes you can add attachments to a template.

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