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Training Reports

Overall Training Report shows Company-wide Training metrics visible to Quality Users

Written by Lydia Olu-Harding
Updated over a week ago

Training Overview - Company View

Training reports for your whole organization can be accessed under the "Overall Training" dropdown in the training menu. Quality Users can see the performance and compliance of their organization by document, by group, or by employee.

With the training dashboard you can quickly see your organization's performance and compliance with training and filter for different time frames: 30 days, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, or all time.

You can also export the report to PDF or spreadsheet allowing you to search and filter data. Exported files will contain all information relevant to training and will be grouped by Users, Groups, Documents, Details, and Summary.

The Median Completion time is calculated in seconds, from the time the training is assigned to the time the training is completed. The Company Training Status percentage is calculated by the total number of assigned trainings vs. the total number of completed trainings.

Note: Completed training does not take into account when it was completed (due/overdue at the time), only that it was completed.

Dive deeper into training metrics by viewing training details on the Documents, Groups, and Employees tabs.

Document Tab:

The document tab lists all documents and their Training Status (Completed, Due, and Overdue) and their completion percentage. Click on a document to view the detailed "Activity Report - Training Summary" for that document. This is also how you can assign retraining and send reminders to users.

  • User Status Badges: Badges will be posted next to user names indicating if the user has been unassigned from training, inactive due to being deleted as a user, or Invitation Pending if the user has been re-added as a user.

  • Completed Status Column: This indicates if the trainee/user has completed the assigned training. If the user is assigned and has not completed the training the status will be “Due” or “Overdue” depending on the due date. If the user is assigned and has completed training, the status will be “Complete”. If the user is unassigned and the status was due or overdue when they were unassigned, the status will be “Unassigned”. If the user is unassigned but has completed training, the status will remain “Complete”.

Groups Tab:

The Groups tab lists all the groups in your organization and provides details on how they're performing in training. Use this view to provide insight to group leaders that need to encourage their teams to complete training.

Clicking on the group name will display the group's members and their training status. Drill down further by clicking on an employee name to see which documents they have yet to train on.

Add or Remove Groups from Training Report

To change which groups appear on the Group Tab, use the quick link provided on the Groups Tab (highlighted in the image above) to jump to the User Groups page.

  • If no groups are hidden, the message will say “Edit which groups appear here.”

  • If a group or groups are hidden, the message will say “Some groups are hidden. Edit.”

Then click on the Group Name to be added or removed from the report, and check or uncheck the “Include in Reports” checkbox as needed.

Note: Hiding or removing a group from the training dashboard will NOT update or filter other training metrics.

Employee Tab:

The Employee tab lists all employees and their current training status. Clicking on the employee name will display their individual metrics and which documents the employee has or has not been trained on. Clicking on a listed document will provide the option/button to send reminders to trainees.

To view deleted users in this report, check the box to Include former members. Deleted users will be identified with an "Inactive" flag. When a user with overdue or due training assignments is made inactive, Qualio will change the value in the training status column from overdue or due to unassigned.

Training Activity Report

Quality Users can access the Activity Report from the Reports tab on the top navigation bar. Then, using the filters, they can select to show documents with either completed or uncompleted training.

Click the Report Details link for any document to:

  • Assign retraining

  • Send reminders for that training

  • Export a training Summary report

Export a Training Summary

For each version of a document, Quality users can export training data to either a .csv, PDF, or Excel document using the Export button at the top of the assignee list. These reports can be used to document training of certain employees for audits or third parties.

The exported report will list all related training records including the user, assigned date, due date, completed date, status, and reason. For definitions of Training Record attributes, click here.

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