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Manage Training

Details for Document Owners and Quality Users on how to create, assign, and manage training

Crysta Huszai avatar
Written by Crysta Huszai
Updated over a week ago

Creating and distributing training to your workforce has never been easier – and since Qualio is cloud-powered, your colleagues can complete training from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection.

Qualio’s Training Management is designed to integrate seamlessly with Qualio Documents. This allows you to flexibly link training requirements to specific documents, such as SOPs, policies and process documents – while eliminating the confusion and duplication of siloed document and training management systems.

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Training Plans are a great way to automate training assignments, especially for organizations that have complex user group and document training strategies.

Training Settings & Permissions

Training is controlled by a combination of organization-level settings, templates and permissions and individual document settings.

Training Completion Period

Quality Users can manage their organization's Training Completion Period setting from the Organization Settings. This setting determines the number of days from when a training is assigned to when it will be deemed overdue. This setting is applied to ALL training assignments. The default value is 14 days.

The training completion period has an impact on email notifications sent to trainees. Overdue training will be highlighted for trainees on Your Training Overview page, and for Quality Teams on the training dashboard.

Note: Screenshots and GIFs in this article show Qualio's updated user interface, being released in August 2024.

Training Permissions

A complete and up-to-date list of Training permissions by user role can be found here.

Document Training Settings

Each document contains three settings to control training for that document, and it’s important for Quality teams and document owners to understand the impact of those settings.

  • Eligible for training (Y/N)

    • Controlled by the document’s template

    • Select YES: to require either the 2-step Read & Acknowledge or the 3-step training assessment types. Selecting YES will also activate the Add Training Assessment button so that document owners can optionally add an assessment for 3-step assessment training type. Selecting YES will also activate the Trainees selection field on the document’s Properties tab.

    • Select NO: if this type of document will not require users to complete neither the 2-step Read & Acknowledge nor the 3-step Assessment type training.

    • This setting is locked by the template and cannot be changed on a document-by-document or revision-by-revision basis.

  • Require Training on each version (Y/N)

    • This setting will only be displayed if Eligible for training is equal to YES.

    • Because not all document updates impact the essential information users need to be trained on, like formatting changes, this setting can be modified on a document-by-document and revision-by-revision basis. The document template will provide a default selection. Document reviewers should check/confirm any deviations from the template selection.

    • Select YES: to require retraining every time the document is updated to a new version.

    • Select NO: to not require retraining every time the document is updated to a new version.

  • Trainees

    • Document Owners and Quality Users can assign specific users and groups of users as trainees of a document. Learn more about Assigning Training here.

Training Records

When document training is assigned to a user, a training record is generated for that specific document and user. Training records should be considered “system” records in that it isn’t a record that can be viewed individually, and only collectively in the form of exports.

Training Record Attributes

  • Assignment Date

    • If a user is added as a trainee to an approved/effective document, the assignment date is the date the trainee was added

    • If a user is added as a trainee to a draft document, the assignment date is the Approved date of the document.

    • If a customer has a training completion period of 30 days and the training is assigned, a Quality user can shorten the completion period to 14 days, due training could potentially be overdue.

  • Status

    • Due: Current date and time has not past the defined due date

    • Overdue: Current date and time is past the defined due date. A training record’s due date can only be recorded if the training is both approved/effective AND assigned to a trainee. Whichever comes last (assigning training to a user or approving the training) will use the Assignment Date’s date/timestamp then add the organization’s Training Completion Period setting (found in the Organization Settings) to calculate the overdue date/time. Example: An approved document with training assessment is assigned to a new user at 10:00 am. The organization’s Training Completion Period is 14 days. Which means that in 14 days, at 10:01 am the training will become overdue.

    • Complete: User has completed training

    • Unassigned: User is removed as trainee of a document; previously due and overdue trainings will no longer count towards overall completion stats, but completed trainings will remain; Unassigned training records will appear in the History screen and reports.

    • Inactive: User is made inactive as a Qualio user; applied to all due and overdue training records which will no longer count towards overall completion stats; Completed trainings of inactive users will count towards overall completion stats; Inactive status indicated on History screen and reports.

  • Reason

    • New Training Assignment: Trainee added to training

    • New version of this document requires training: new version of document with “Retraining Required?” set to Yes

    • Training previously completed on version #.#, no retraining required: new version of document approved and “Require Retraining?” set to No

    • [User entered text]: manual retraining assigned

Create Training Assessments

If a document only requires the 2-step Read & Acknowledge type training, document owners or Quality Users can simply add trainees to the document. No further action is required. Click here for details on adding trainees.

If a document requires a training assessment (3-step training), document owners (only Quality or Normal users) can add the assessment to the related draft document during document creation or editing. Assessments are only multiple choice format with no limit on the number of questions that can be added or potential answers that can be added to each question. Trainees must complete assessments with 100% accuracy.

Steps to add an Assessment

  1. Open the related document from the Document Workspace.

  2. Switch the Edit mode.

  3. Click the Training Assessment button.

  4. Add the first question and possible answers.

  5. Be sure to indicate the correct answer using the radio button.

View an existing assessment

To view an existing assessment, and the associated questions, you'll need to access the document through the workspace. Click on the Training Assessment tab, where you will see the list of questions and the correct answer to the questions.

Edit a Training Assessment or Document

To edit an assessment, you'll need to access the draft document through the Document Workspace. If you need information about how to revert a document to draft, click here.

Change to Edit mode by clicking the mode button in the top left. Then browse to the Training Assessment Tab and make edits as needed.

Document owners can determine if the changes will require listed trainees to complete retraining. The Require Training on each version setting, located on the Properties tab of a document, can be updated on a revision-by-revision basis. If changes do require retraining, then once the document is approved a new training record will be created for each listed trainee and trainees will be notified to complete training.

REMINDER: Update the Change Control tab with details of what was modified on the training assessment as well as changes to the documents content.

Assign Training

There are a variety of ways to assign training to either individuals, groups of users, or en masse (bulk). Some methods are also how training assignments can be removed. We’ll detail each method in this section.

Add or Remove From a Draft Document

Document owners can add or remove trainees to draft documents during document creation and editing. Open the Draft document from the Document Workspace then click 'Edit'. Scroll down to the Trainees field within the Properties section, then click 'Manage'. Use the checkbox to select trainees, then 'Apply changes'.

To assign trainees to documents in For Review or For Approval status, use the “From the Document Workspace” method described below.

Add or Remove From an Approved or Effective Document

Document Owners and Quality Users can add or remove trainees to Approved and Effective documents by first opening the document from the Document Workspace. Scroll down to the Trainees field within the Properties section, then click 'Manage'. Use the checkbox to select trainees, then 'Apply changes'.

Add From the Document Workspace

A user can be assigned training to a document in any status (except Retired and Deleted Drafts) from the Document Workspace. This is also an efficient way to assign multiple documents at once. This method, however, does not allow entire groups of users to be selected; users must be selected individually.

Quality Users can browse to the Document Workspace, click checkboxes of documents that need an updated training assignment. Click the 'Assign Trainees' button. Search for users by name, email address, or User Group, then select the user(s). Click the Assign button, then click OK on the confirmation message.

Note: To select all documents on a page, click the check box at the very top of the page next to ID. Or select documents on different pages by advancing to the next page. Your selections on previous pages will stay checked.

If a selected user is already listed as a trainee on a document (completed training or not), you will receive a message with details of which document and which user.

Note: Training can be assigned to users who are "pending," i.e., haven’t accepted their Qualio invite. If they don’t accept their invite within the training completion timeframe, they will show as overdue.

Assign Retraining

As Quality Professionals can attest, sometimes users need to retrain on documents regardless if the document has been modified or if the Require Training on each version setting is set to “No”. Quality users can assign re-training to employees at any time via the Training Overview.

Assigning retraining to a user will generate a new, unique training record that can be reported on separately from previous training.

Steps to Assign Retraining to a User(s):

  1. From the top navigation bar, click the Training tab, then select Organization Training.

  2. From the Documents tab, select the document that requires retraining.

  3. Check the box next to the employee(s)’ name that needs to complete retraining, then click the 'Retrain' button.

  4. A pop-up window will prompt you to enter a reason for retraining. Enter text and click the Retrain button. The Reason will be documented and available in exported training reports.

Send Training Reminders

Similar to retraining, Quality users can send training reminders to employees at any time via the Training Overview. This feature is especially helpful to remind users of overdue training once the Weekly Summary email no longer notifies users of overdue training (10+ days after training assignment is overdue).

Steps to send reminders to a User(s):

  1. From the top navigation bar, click the Training tab, then select Organization Training.

  2. From the Documents tab, select the document that requires a reminder.

  3. Check the box next to the employee(s)’ name that needs a training reminder, then click the 'Send reminder' button.

Manage Training Assignments with Training Plan

Qualio is excited to introduce Training Plans as its newest training feature in a line up of training and workflow automation functionality. This new and innovative tool allows Quality Users to automate training assignments of multiple documents to a group of users, saving Quality Teams from tedious administrative tasks.

Next Step

If you are interested in better understanding the impact of training and how teams are performing on training assignments, click here to explore available training reports.

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