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Create and Manage User Groups

Setup groups manage large groups of users and restrict visibility to documents and events

Crysta Huszai avatar
Written by Crysta Huszai
Updated over a week ago

Groups are a very useful tool in Qualio that help to group, organize and identify similar users. Common groups include department, location and team, but groups can also be leveraged for special projects, or temporary access like an auditor or contractor would require. There is no limit to the number of Groups a user can be assigned to.

Groups are helpful when assigning Training since you can select an entire Group instead of one user at-a-time.

Groups can also be used in conjunction with tags to restrict visibility of specific documents and events by creating a private tag & group. Any document with the private tag will only be visible to the members of the associated group. Learn more about restricting access with Tags here.

Create a User Group

To create a new Group:

  1. Click the gear icon in the top navigation bar and select Admin settings from the dropdown.

  2. Select Groups on the left-side menu.

  3. Click the Create new group button.

  4. Enter the name of the group. If you are creating a group to use with a restricted tag, consider adding “- Private” or “- Restricted” on the end to distinguish it from other similarly named groups.

  5. Check the box if you would like to include this group on the Training Overview > Groups dashboard. Because the training dashboard is intended to show how teams are doing and promote accountability, typically, you would not include groups for special projects, products, contractors, etc.

Add and Remove User(s) from a Group

  1. Click the gear icon in the top navigation bar and select Admin settings from the dropdown.

  2. Select Users on the left-side menu.

  3. Check the box next to user(s) to be added to the group.

  4. Click the Add [#] user to group button.

  5. Select the Group from the dropdown.

Similarly, user(s) can be removed from groups by selecting users, clicking the Remove [#] user from group button, and selecting the group from the dropdown.

Delete a User Group

Groups can be deleted by clicking the expansion button and selecting the Delete group button. You’ll be asked to confirm the deletion. Click Yes to confirm and proceed.

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