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Manage Users

Add, remove, and adjust user settings

Crysta Huszai avatar
Written by Crysta Huszai
Updated over a week ago

User Management is restricted to users with Admin Access. Admins have access to the Admin settings page that can be accessed by clicking the gear icon in the top navigation bar.

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Add Users

To invite a user:

  1. Click the gear icon in the top navigation bar and select Admin settings from the dropdown.

  2. Select Users on the left-side menu.

  3. Click the Invite user button.

  4. Enter the user’s email address, modify the User Role (as needed), and check the box for Admin Access or Billing Access as needed.

  5. Click the Send Invitation button.

Invitations can be canceled by clicking the expansion button and selecting Cancel invitation. You’ll then be prompted to confirm the cancellation. Click Yes, then cancel user to proceed.

Note: User invite link expires after 14 days.

Resend User Invitations

To resend an invitation:

  1. Click the gear icon in the top navigation bar and select Admin settings from the dropdown.

  2. Select Users from the left-side menu.

  3. Click the expansion button next to the user with the Pending invitation.

  4. Select Resend invitation button.

Note: Make sure the re-invited user clicks the most recently-sent link. Any past links will no longer be valid.

Note: User invite link expires after 14 days.

Search for Users

The search bar on the Admin panel will allow you to search for specific users to help you find them quickly to update permissions or remove their account. You can search by the user's name or email address.

Change User Role & Settings

To edit a user’s Name, email address, user role, Admin or Billing Access, or Event permissions:

  1. Click the gear icon in the top navigation bar and select Admin settings from the dropdown.

  2. Select Users on the left-side menu.

  3. Identify the user then click the expansion button and select Edit User.

  4. In the Edit User modal window that opens, adjust settings as needed. Then click Save.

To learn more about granting users access to Events and other Event permissions, click here.

User roles can be modified in bulk from the Users page by checking the box next to multiple users, clicking the Set role button, and adjusting the role as needed.

Remove Users

  1. Click the gear icon in the top navigation bar and select Admin settings from the dropdown.

  2. Select Users on the left-side menu.

  3. Identify the user, then click the expansion button and select Remove user.

  4. You’ll be prompted to confirm the removal. Click Yes, remove user button to proceed.

If the user has any outstanding actions to complete (review or approve documents, event tasks) or is the owner/author of documents, you’ll be prompted to reassign those to another user. You can either bulk assign actions and documents to one user or assign to different users to spread the load.

ALERT! When document ownership is reassigned and a restricted tag has been applied to that document, if the new document owner is not part of the group tied to the restricted tag, the new document owner will automatically be added to the restricted group.

How will deleted users with unfinished training impact my Training Report?

When a user is deleted, any training records they generated (completed training) will remain and can be accessed by going to the Training tab in the top navigation bar, and selecting Overall Training. Then open the “Employees” tab to view the report by employee. Select the "include former members" checkbox. Deleted users will be identified with an “Inactive” flag.

On the Activity Report of a specific document, when a user with overdue or due training assignments is made inactive, Qualio will change the value in the training status column from overdue or due to unassigned. To view that report browse to the Reports tab on the top navigation bar and select Activity. In the filter at the top of the page, show documents with TRAINING action NOT COMPLETED, then select the “Report Details” on the right side of the document you wish to investigate.

Screenshot before users are deleted:

Screenshot after users are deleted:

Restore a Deleted User

Qualio user accounts use email addresses as unique identifiers. This means that if a user is deleted and is later re-added to Qualio, Quality users can reinstate the deleted user account by issuing an invite to the same email address. This will restore their profile and previously completed activities.

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