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Jira Integration for Quality Events

Qualio integrates with Jira to streamline event creation, reduce siloed data, and redundant, manual work

Written by Lydia Olu-Harding
Updated over a week ago

Customers already logging quality type events in Jira (such as complaints, non-conformances, etc.) can now push that data into Qualio automatically. Once imported, events can be triaged by the Quality Team, actioned, and resolved. This preserves a customer’s existing process for frontline teams recording reported incidents, then delivers the data into their eQMS for standardization, documentation, reporting, and audit activities by the Quality team.

Want to learn more about events in Qualio first? Get an overview here, watch a video describing event integrations here, or, skip ahead in this article to:

Integration Workflow

It starts with creating a task* in Jira, ideally, with your existing process. (There is no additional configuration necessary in Jira for this integration that would alter how teams are currently logging tasks in Jira.)

Next, the task is imported to Qualio if it matches the configured rules (trigger). Rules can be based on a combination of project name, labels, fields, etc. and is configured during integration setup with Qualio Engineers. The new event in Qualio will have a status of “Imported” and is read-only which means that the task could be modified in Jira and those changes would be reflected in Qualio.

The newly imported task must then be triaged by a designated event owner. This user can find the new event by filtering on the events page for events with Status = Imported. They will then elect to either Open or Close the event by clicking the expansion button and choosing the correct option. See images below.

At this point, the event will no longer be read-only and cannot receive updates from Jira. Users can then interact with the event with the full range of event functionality.

*Task is the general term used for the Jira object / record type.

Filtering for Imported Events

Elect to Open or Close the event

Integration Details

Qualio will communicate with Jira using Rest API. Data flows from Jira to Qualio only; integration is not bi-directional. Jira maintains the “master record” and can push updates to the task until the event is triaged and either “Opened” or “Closed”.

Jira Requirements & Limits

  • Qualio can leverage default Jira objects (epics, stories, tasks and bugs) as the event source. We may be able to use a custom object but it is untested. If you are interested in using a custom object or the sub-task object please let us know so that we may explore this option with you.

  • Jira attachments are not currently supported. However, URL fields can be imported as a workaround.

Qualio Requirements

  • Only customers with Growth or Enterprise subscription plans are eligible to access premium integrations.

Configuration Options

Common configuration options to be considered and provided:

  • Triggers can be configured to only pull events with certain labels, projects, fields, etc.

  • Templates must be updated with merge fields to populate data from fields in Jira. All field types can be leveraged.

Steps to Configure Integration

We recommend a short call be scheduled with your Jira Admin and Qualio Engineers to walk through the setup and configuration of the integration and to answer any questions that may arise. Reach out to the Qualio Support Team or your Customer Success Manager to set up that meeting. Prior to that meeting, it is best to have the following pieces of information sorted out:

  • Which Qualio Event template will be used for Imported Events?

  • What is the triggering event/rules to identify what tasks are pulled into Qualio?

    • Example: When a task is created and/or modified where PROJECT equals “Complaint”.

  • Who will be assigned ownership of the new event in Qualio?A single user must be identified to triage all imported events in Qualio.

  • What Project contains the tasks

NOTE: It is highly recommended to first configure integration between sandbox environments.

Steps to Setup and Configure

  1. Create an event template in Qualio for imported events or designate an existing template..

  2. Create and share an API token (detailed below).

  3. Securely share the API token and other relevant information with Qualio.

    1. Please use Secret Share to securely share such details with Qualio

    2. Qualio will securely store these in AWS Secret Manager. These should only be shared with a confirmed Qualio employee.

  4. Qualio Engineers confirm authentication then will create a configuration file that encompasses the parameters of what to import (project key), when to import (the trigger rules/filters), the Qualio event template to be used, and who events should be assigned to.

  5. Test connection/sync by creating a few test events in Jira and confirming receipt in Qualio. Validate that required task data has been synced accurately to the Qualio event. Notify Qualio engineers of any success or failures.

  6. Return to your Imported Events template and update with merge fields (detailed below).

Any change requests to initial parameters will need to be submitted to Qualio’s Support Team. Send an email to or chat live with a support technician to start that process.

Create an API Token

Create an API token from your Atlassian account. We highly recommend creating or using a service user that belongs to a group, rather than an individual. This will prevent connectivity issues if an individual leaves.

  1. Click Create API token.

  2. From the dialog that appears, enter a memorable and concise Label for your token and click Create.

  3. Click Copy to clipboard, then past the token to your script, or elsewhere to save.

Please note, for security reasons it isn’t possible to view the token after closing the creation dialog; if necessary, create a new token. You should store the token securely, just as you would for any password.

To share securely, you can use a tool such as Secret Share.

Create or Update an Event Template for Imported Events

You can either create a new event template specific to imported events or modify an existing template. Templates will need field mappings where Jira data will be inserted. A field mapping uses curly brackets {{ }} and the Jira API field name. Field API names can be found in the Properties tray of an imported event under Integration Variables. Using the example image below, customers could add {{NAME}} and/or {{ROOT_CAUSE}} to the template.

See the image below that compares what the template looks like with field mappings against what an imported event looks like with the Jira data.

If no Jira data exists for a field mapping, then nothing will appear in that space. Mappings to both standard and custom fields can be used, and there is no restriction on the type of field (dropdown, formula, text, etc.).

SUGGESTION: Leverage tables to organize your event data where column A is the field name and column B is the field value.

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