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Create and Manage Events

Detailed guide for creating, completing, and managing events

Crysta Huszai avatar
Written by Crysta Huszai
Updated over a week ago

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Events access must be granted by the Admin user.

Before you create an event, here are some things to be aware of:

  • Every event is built from a template. Event templates define the structure and default settings of an event. Learn more about event templates here.

  • Any user with access to the Events tab in the top navigation bar can create new events in Qualio. Learn more about Event Permissions here.

  • Events cannot be deleted once created, nor can they be archived.

Events can be created from either the Qualio Dashboard, or the Quality Events page.

  • Dashboard: Click the New button, then select Event.

  • Events page: Click the Events tab, then from the Events sub-tab, click the Create Event button.

Note: If you have not been given access to the Events feature, you will only see a video after clicking "Events" in the left nav bar. Please reach out to a Qualio Admin within your organization to request access.

Event Creation

The first screen is the event creation form. Here, you will provide initial information about the event. Many of these properties can be updated as the event evolves.

The form’s structure and fields cannot be modified/customized.

  • Event type: From the dropdown, select the event type/template for this event. Once the event is created, this selection cannot be modified. Required.

  • Title: Provide a concise and easily identifiable title as it will appear on the main events page as well as at the top of the event when opened, and the file name of exported events 255 character limit. Required.

  • Owner: Select yourself or another Qualio user to own this event. An event owner can be any Qualio user, in any user role, that has been granted access to the Events feature. Event owners are notified by email of event updates. Tip: If the list is very long, begin typing the name of the owner then select. Required.

  • Time to resolve (days): Define the time limit from creation date before an event may be deemed overdue. Default value provided by the event template “Time Limit (days)” field, but can be adjusted on individual events.

  • Description: Consider this a high-level summary of the event. It can be modified and updated to include final outcomes. Text field; no character limit; allows non-latin characters; does not allow images, tables, HTML, etc. Will be displayed on the exported cover page as well as at the top of the event, under the title, when opened.

  • Tags: Apply related tags to an event to distinguish products, projects, locations, visibility, etc.. Learn more about Qualio Tags here.

  • Related Events and Related Documents: To enhance clarity and tracking, related events and documents are linkable in separate fields. This allows you to easily distinguish between other events this issue may be similar to or supporting documentation like procedures or risk assessments.

  • Source Event: This field identifies the original event that triggered the current escalation and creates a link back to the root cause. It will be automatically populated when an event is created through the escalation process. It provides a clickable link that lets users quickly navigate back to the source event.

  • Escalated To: This field establishes a direct link to a newly created event triggered as an escalation from the current one. Escalated events inherit properties for faster initiation. Provides a dropdown menu listing existing open events in Qualio. Select the event this issue has escalated into (e.g., a CAPA triggered by a recurring non-conformance).

  • Related Suppliers: Link your event directly to one or more suppliers. This information is used to analyze supplier performance. This field may not be visible or required depending on template settings.

  • Severity: Select N/A, Low, Medium, or High. Not customizable. See Understanding Risk Parameter for more information. This field may not be visible or required depending on template settings.

  • Probability: Select N/A, Low, Medium, or High. Not customizable. See Understanding Risk Parameter for more information. This field may not be visible or required depending on template settings.

  • Product: Select a related Product from the dropdown for better reporting. This field may not be visible or required depending on template settings.

  • Root Cause: Select a root cause from the dropdown for better reporting. If not initially known, this can be updated later. This field may not be visible or required depending on template settings.

  • Referenced: While not visible on the initial event creation screen, if an event has been added to the “Related to” field in another event, that event ID will be displayed in this field in the Properties panel. This allows the user to navigate between the two easily.

After completing the form, click the Create Event button. The event will be created, and an Event ID will be assigned. Event IDs cannot be adjusted or changed.

Event Step Types

Once created, continue working on the event by clicking the event on the Quality Events main page to open. You’ll be brought to the event’s workspace where predefined Steps are listed in the main body of the page based on the template selected.

The image below displays an event with four steps. These steps were configured in the event template for this type of event and demonstrates the different types of event steps: content, form, tasks, and validation. Each step type has a unique workflow and features to help event owners log details, prescribe and assign tasks to team members, and provide final validation of the event outcome.

To proceed, event owners will click the Add content, Complete Form, or Create task options in each step.

Content Steps

After clicking Add content, you’ll be brought to the Document tab of the event step. Similar to Qualio Documents, content steps have a predefined structure with subheaders/sections that cannot be modified, moved around or deleted. Additionally, default content can be included like tables and instructions.

From here you can either jump right into creating the content as well as selecting a Quality Approver along with other attributes under the Properties panel on the right-hand side.

When you are done editing the step content, simply click on Done editing. Like Qualio Document, you can choose to send the step For Review or For Approval. Once you're done with the content step, you can click on the Event ID under the Event section on right-hand panel to return to your event record.

Form Steps

If the event contains a Form step, you'll click the Complete Form button to be brought to a page with fixed fields that were created at the template level. To learn more about possible form fields, see our article on Forms in Events.

Complete all fields (or N/A if not needed), then select Reviewer(s) and Approver(s) on the right side of the screen. Click Save and exit. Once saved, the step can be sent for review or approval.

Task Steps

Task steps allow users to map out tasks such as investigative or corrective actions. Tasks require the assignee to upload/document objective evidence of the task they have completed.

To begin listing tasks, click the Create task option of the Task Step. A task modal form will open where you must enter a task title and owner. Description is optional. Adjust the Complete before field to display the number of days the assignee has to complete the task before it will be flagged as overdue. The default value is provided by the event template.

Once tasks are created, they will be listed on the main event workspace for easy viewing.

Tasks do not require a review or approval like a content or validation step would. It’s important to note that tasks are a piece of the event which, holistically, is reviewed before approval.

To learn how to complete tasks, advance to Complete Tasks.

Validation Steps

Validation steps can act as content steps with a content tab and text editor, or they can act as form steps—this determination is set at the template level. But they are unique from other content or form steps in a couple of ways.

Every event must have one validation step, which must be completed after all previous steps have been approved. All other event steps can be completed in any order.

Managing Validation Steps

During the creation of the template, validation steps that are currently Content type can be changed to Form types.

Note: Once "Save Changes" is clicked on the new template, step types can longer be changed.

You can change an existing content or form step into a validation step. This ability will allow you to fully adopt event forms and in doing so efficiently and effectively capture the data you need.

Validation Step Time Delay

Validation steps may have an optional time delay.

  • Where required, this ensures enough time passes (in days) for you to successfully verify the effectiveness of any actions taken. It is commonly used with the CAPA effectiveness check.

  • Configured in the event template

  • Cannot be adjusted at the individual event level

  • Time delay begins when an event is created

  • If the Validation Step Time Delay has not been met and approval is attempted, users see a displayed alert that includes the date and time of when the Validation Step can be sent for approval.

The time delay begins when the event is created, is specified on the event template, and cannot be modified for individual events.

Although the validation step must be COMPLETED last, event owners can still create draft versions and save as their event investigation and resolution progresses. Below is an image of a validation step with an initial draft (version 0.1).

Complete Tasks

Not all event types must have Task steps prescribed in the event template. But if they do, the event owner can create and assign tasks to themselves and other team members to complete. Task assignees will receive an email notification that a task has been assigned to them, and it will also be displayed on their Qualio Dashboard.

To complete an assigned task, click the task listed on your Qualio Dashboard. Perform the prescribed task and enter your comments in the space provided.

The comments field is a text only field. Comments can be added in the space provided, then click the Comment button to have the comment added to the comments thread located below the Description. As comments are added, the newest comment is placed at the top of the comment thread along with the date/time stamp. This will show event owners a task’s progression. Only the latest task comment will be visibile on pdf exports.

Attachments can be added below the comments field by browsing for a file or dragging and dropping the file into that space.

When finished, task owners can click the Complete button at the top of the task. Enter their digital signature and provide any additional comments needed to justify the completion of the task for the event owner to view (required to proceed), then select a Resolution: Success or Fail.

Note: Task can not be reopened and/or edited when it is marked as complete.

Cancelling a Task

If a task does not need to be completed, the assignee can move the task to a “Cancelled” status by clicking Complete, adding a comment indicating why the task is being closed, and selecting “Failure” for the Resolution. These steps will result in “Cancelled” being displayed for that task.

Once all tasks have been completed, regardless of individual tasks being marked as a success or failure, the Task Step must be completed by a Quality or Normal user, regardless if the event is owned by a Basic user. The Quality or Normal user will click the Complete step button at the top of the Task Step, then enter their digital signature.

Reviewing & Approving Steps

Send for Review

Once you have finished editing the information in a content or validation step, it can be sent for review if reviewers were listed on the Properties tab by clicking the Send for review button at the top of the page.

Reviewers will receive an email notification and see the open action listed on their Qualio Dashboard.

Reviewers should read through all provided content and properties and post comments when they need to draw attention to something. Comments can be added to the Properties and Content tabs.

Some comments may result in the need to revise content. To do this, event owners will click the Revert to draft button at the top of the page, edit the content, then resend for review.

Otherwise, if the reviewer is satisfied with the content, they can click the Mark as reviewed button. Event owners will receive an email notification when all reviewers have completed their review.

Note: For Form steps, the reviewer isn't able to leave comments/suggestions at the moment. This is only available for our Content steps.

Form Step Review

Reviewer can click on Mark as reviewed button, and they an leave an option comment.

Reviewer comment will be shown below form content.

Send for Approval

Once reviewed, when applicable, event steps can be sent for approval by clicking the Send for approval button.

Approver(s) will receive an email notification and see the open action to approve steps on their Qualio Dashboard.

Event step approver(s) should view content, properties, and comments before approving. They have the option to approve or decline by clicking the respective buttons at the top of the page.

To Decline

Click the Decline button. Enter your digital signature and provide comments for the event owner, then click the Decline approval button.

Comments will appear on the email notification sent to the event owner as well as under the Properties section of the content or validation step.

Event owners can then revert the step to draft and resolve errors before resending for review (when applicable) and approval.

To Approve

Click the Approve button. Enter your digital signature and comments, then click the Approve button. Once all approvers have approved an event step, it becomes Effective, and the event owner and all Quality users are notified by email.

The Effective step will be represented on the event with a green check mark and an updated Content status.

If changes must be made to the step, it must be reverted to draft and cycle through the review and approval process again before becoming Effective.

Once the step has been approved, continue to complete the remaining steps in the event using the process outlined above. All but the validation step can be approved/signed-off in any order/sequence. The final validation step must always be completed (approved) last.

Completing Events

Once all preceding Steps and Tasks have been approved/completed, and the optional Validation Step Time Delay has been met, the final Validation Step can be sent for approval. Once approved, the Event will automatically be closed. Successfully completed Events display green check marks on each Step and have a Status of Closed.

Closing an event unsuccessfully/prematurely

If an event needs to be closed due to an unforeseen issue or lack of information, you can close it by clicking the expansion menu button on the top-right of the event workspace, and select Close from the dropdown.

You’ll be prompted to provide your digital signature and comments/explanation for the premature close. These comments will be included in the Audit Trail Report.

  • Only an Owner who is also a Quality user can close an event prematurely. A Normal or Basic Owner will only see the Edit option.

  • Outstanding event steps will be updated with a “Closed” status.

  • Outstanding tasks will be updated with a “Cancelled” status.

  • An event closed unsuccessfully/prematurely will display the prohibited symbol on each step.

Reopening an event closed unsuccessfully/prematurely

If an event has been closed early and more information becomes available, a Quality user can reopen the closed event to allow teams to record the new, additional information.

First, reopen the event by clicking the expansion menu button in the top-right of the event workspace and selecting Reopen from the dropdown. Provide your digital signature and comments related to the reopening of the event. Comments will be included in the Audit Trail. Report.

Next, revert the relevant Step(s) to record the additional data then resubmit for review/approval. All cancelled Task steps and tasks will re-open so that task owners can complete.

Event, Step, and Task Ownership

Event creators can assign event ownership to a different user from the initial Event Creation form or later from the event workspace. When event ownership is changed, an email is sent to the new owner.

Initial Creation Form

Change Owner From Event Workspace

To change ownership of an existing event, Event owners or Quality Users can open the event, then from the event workspace, click the expansion button and select Change Owner.

Visibility to Non-Owners

While there can be multiple owners for different portions of events, the visibility of these portions follows the same rules as documents. Non-Quality users cannot view any step of an event they don’t own until it’s approved. Quality users will have full visibility of steps at each status. If a user doesn’t have visibility of a particular step, they’ll receive this error message:

Content doesn't exist error when trying to access a non-Effective step that you don't own as a Normal or Basic user

Reassigning Tasks

If a task needs reassignment, browse to the Event Workspace and click on the task. A slide-open drawer will preview the task. Click the pencil/edit icon in the top-right. Then identify the new task owner in the Assigned To dropdown.

Manage Events with Tags

Adding Tags to Events allows users to easily find events with the Tags filter. There is no limit to the number of tags that can be applied to an Event. Tags can also be used to restrict visibility to users. Learn more about Qualio Tags here.

Tags can be added during initial event creation or later by editing the event.

Initial Creation Form

Add or Remove Tags From Event Workspace

To add or remove tags from an existing event, Event Owners can open the event, then click the expansion button in the top right of the Event Workspace, select Edit, and then modify tags as needed in the event form modal that opens.

Once applied, Tags can be viewed on the Quality Events page in the Tags column. Use the Tags filter to identify specific products, teams, topics, etc.

Adding tags to a Closed Event

As the event owner, you can add or remove a tag to an event after it's been closed. Click the expansion button, select Update event properties and then add or remove any tags necessary and click Update event properties.

Searching for Events & Tasks

Using the search bar above the filter options, all events and tasks can be searched for various information. An event is searchable once created or modified.

What information is searchable:

  • Event content: Code (ID), title, description, event type, creator name, owner name

  • Task content: Code (ID), title, description, owner name, owner email

  • Product name

  • Root cause name

  • Tag names

  • Supplier(s) associated with an Event

  • Form field content for events using Form steps

  • Text within Content steps

What is NOT searchable:

  • Attachment content

  • Task comments

Examples of searches:

  • Events by exact code (ID): QEV-123

  • Tasks by exact code (ID): #T4557

  • Words within event or task text content

  • Words within content step documents

  • Words within product name and description

  • Event metadata

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