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Create a New Document

Instructions on how to create a new Document in Qualio

Written by Lydia Olu-Harding
Updated over a week ago

Learn how to create and format new documents by watching the new user training video below, or continue reading this article.

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Before you create a document, here are some things to be aware of:

  • Every document is built from a template. No “blank” document option like in Microsoft WORD or Google Doc. Document templates define the structure and default settings of a document. Learn more about document templates here.

  • Only Quality and Normal users are able to create new documents.

Documents can be created from either the Dashboard or the Document Workspace.

  • Dashboard: Click the Create button, then select Document.

  • Documents Workspace: Click the Documents tab. Select Workspace, then click the Create new button.

Step 1: Properties Tab

The first screen you will be brought to is the Properties Tab. You should first select the Type of document you’d like to create from the dropdown, as this will impact the document settings based on the document template chosen.

  1. Click the Type dropdown, and choose from your list of templates created in your organization.

  2. Select either New Document or Upload

    1. New Document: Use Qualio's editor to compose your document.

    2. Upload: Upload an existing source file into Qualio instead of creating in-app. Review the limits listed below.
      Note: With this option, no additional content can be added to the document. It will only be the file you uploaded. To learn more Pros and Cons of the different items, check out this Best Practices article.

  3. Give your document a title. Note: document titles are searchable.

  4. Apply any tags to the document to help you identify the document or to restrict visibility to a specific group(s). To learn more about Tags, click here.

  5. If Upload is selected, a Download Permission field will be displayed. This option will determine who will be able to download the source file that has been uploaded.

  6. (Optional) Add users as Reviewers of this document. Only Quality and Normal users can review documents. Learn more about reviewing a document here.

    1. Tip: Select a name in the list and begin typing to find users more quickly.

  7. Add at least one Quality User as an Approver of this document. More than one Quality User can be selected, and non-Quality users can also be added as Approvers from the “Other Approvers” field. Learn more about approving a document here.

  8. Add users that need to be trained on the document. This option will only appear if the template setting for “Training available?” equals “yes”. This can be done at a later time too. Learn more about document Training here.

  9. Confirm or update the Review Period which is the number of months that may lapse after making a document effective before it needs to be reviewed. The template you select for this document determines the default value, but it can be changed. Learn more about Periodic Reviews here.

  10. Confirm or update if the document should automatically be made effective upon approval. The template you select for this document determines the default value, but it can be changed.

    1. Yes: Once a document is approved, it will automatically be made effective on the approval date and available to your users in the Documents Library.

    2. No: Select this option if training is required after Approval but before a document can be made effective (manually), or for any other delay situations.

  11. Click the Continue button to proceed. This will lock the document Type and assign a Document ID which cannot be changed. All other document properties can be modified later.

Upload Format Limits

  1. Only one file can be uploaded per document.

  2. 100mb limit per file.

  3. Supported file types for preview: .docx, .pdf, .png, .jpg, .pptx, .odf

  4. Excel is currently not available/supported.

  5. CAD and other design file types cannot be previewed.

  6. Do not use the “Upload Format” option if you need this file converted to use the Qualio editor before 2024.

  7. Content of files generated from text (.docx documents and non-scanned PDFs) will be searchable in the Workspace and Library. Content of files generated from physically scanned documents cannot be indexed and therefore will not be searchable.

Step 2: Change Control Tab

After the Properties tab, you’ll be brought to the Change Control tab. This tab is an important document control measure and will be presented whenever a document is revised or up-versioned. However, during initial document creation, you may decide to skip this tab. Follow your organization's Change Control policy or talk to your Quality Team for guidance.

The Change Control tab structure and content is based on your organization’s Change Control (CC) template which can be modified in the Organization Settings.

To learn more about change control records, view this article.

Click the Save & exit button to continue.

Step 3: Document Tab

Next you’ll be brought to the Document tab where you can view, add, and update the content of the document. However, depending on your selection from Step 1, when you chose either a New Document or to Upload a file, your experience will be different.

“New Document” Selection

If you selected “New Document” you’ll see the default sections and content added from the specified document template. To begin editing, click the green Viewing button and select Editing from the dropdown.

Alternatively, document authors can select Suggesting from the drop-down, which will highlight any content additions in green and deletions in red, and formatting changes in blue. Also, comments can be added by highlighting text and clicking the comment icon to the right of the text. Learn more about collaboration features like Suggesting and adding Comments here.

Section titles (headers) are pre-populated by the selected template and cannot be modified. However, section default content, such as instructions, can be modified from the template during document creation and editing.

Similar to the look and feel of other web-document editors, you can format text, add tables, links, images, and media. Click here for detailed information about the Document Editor.

As you edit your document, your changes will be automatically saved, preventing the loss of work. So when you are done editing, there is no save button; you can simply browse to another document or feature within Qualio, or close the browser window.

“Upload” Selection

If you selected the Upload option in Step 1, you’ll be prompted to upload your file. Browse for the file or drag and drop onto the Document tab.

Once the upload is complete, a preview will be generated (if possible, see Upload Format Limits) on the Document tab. The file can be engaged in the following ways:

  • Downloaded - based on permissions granted in the Properties tab

  • Deleted - only by the document owner

  • Zoomed in and out

  • Commented on - in-line commenting is not available; comments will appear in the right margin

Step 4: Training Assessment (Optional)

The final step of creating a new document is to add a Training Assessment to confirm users’ comprehension of the document content. Training assessments are limited to only multiple choice format but can have an unlimited number of questions.

To add a training assessment, browse to the Properties tab of the document, then enter Editing mode. Click the ghost button Add training assessment to the right of the Change Control tab. Then select the option to Add first now to create your first assessment question. Add questions and answers to the assessment. Then click Done editing.

Next Steps

Now that you’ve created a new document, see the links and resources below for next logical steps:

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