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July ‘23 Launch Train Release Notes
July ‘23 Launch Train Release Notes

Launch Train Highlights: Suppliers Analytics, Document Attachment Preview and Page Breaks

Written by Lydia Olu-Harding
Updated over a week ago

July ‘23 Launch Train Timeline



30-Day evaluation period begins. New features added to Sandboxes

July 11, 2023

Customer Webinar

July 25, 2023

Released to Production

August 10, 2023

Be sure to check out the Q&A session from our Customer Webinar below.

New Features & Enhancements


We are adding Suppliers data to our Analytics feature released in the last Launch Train as well as the ability to filter Event data by Event tags, filter Training data by Training Plan and filter Document data by user group. We are pleased to be able to release these additions so quickly after the initial launch of Analytics.

  • Availability: Suppliers Analytics are available to customers with Suppliers included in their price plan and visible only to Quality Users.

  • Validation: This is a new feature addition to Qualio and does not change any existing configuration or functionality. Val-Pack documentation has been updated to reflect this enhancement.

  • For details of the different Supplier Analytics pages expand the pages below for visuals, descriptions and details.

Status Overview

See how your team is progressing with the management of their supplier records. Click on the chart to see the breakdown of each status by supplier type.


By Time

Determine if audit timelines are being met to help ensure the accuracy, quality, and relevance of your supplier records. You can select a bar to adjust to different time granularities.

By Sponsor

Identify potential issues that may be hindering the timely completion of audits, such as resource constraints or workload distribution.

Process Efficiency


The rate at which supplier records are being approved by your team. Gain insight into the effectiveness of your team's supplier management process.

Cycle Time

The time taken from supplier record creation to approval. Ensure that documents are moving through the review and approval lifecycle swiftly by identifying delays and addressing bottlenecks. Select a bar to adjust the time granularity.

Cycle Time by Duration

Cycle Time by User


Suppliers Created

Track supplier creation activity to quickly uncover emerging patterns. Use the top filters to see specific supplier types.

Open Actions

By User

Track pending supplier approvals to improve collaboration and ensure records are processed in a timely manner.

Documents: Attachment Preview

Previously, when using Qualio Documents, users could not preview attachments within Qualio without downloading them first. Now, with Attachment Preview, users can click an attachment link when not in Edit Mode and the attachment will open in the same window for viewing. This saves users time when reviewing Documents and gives them greater visibility into their records.

  • Supported file types: .docx, .pdf, .png, .jpeg

  • Infinite scrolling is supported which means there are no limits to the number of pages your PDF or Word document can have.

  • Attachment file size limits have not changed; attachments can be 100mb or less.

  • Availability: Document Attachment Preview is available to all customers.

  • Validation: This update will not affect how your system is configured. Val-Pack documentation has been updated to reflect this enhancement.

Documents: Page Break

We are also rolling out Document Page Breaks which will allow document owners to control where a PDF page will stop and the next page start.

To add a page break, ensure your document is in Edit mode. Place your cursor where you’d like to insert the Page Break and then click the Show more items option from the editor toolbar. Click the Page Break button to add the break to your document where your cursor is. Once added, page breaks can be moved or deleted.

  • Availability: Document Page Breaks are available to all customers and users with document editing permissions (Quality and Normal users)

  • Validation: This update will not affect how your system is configured. Val-Pack documentation has been updated to reflect this enhancement.

Events: Probability / Severity “NA” Option

For Event updates, we are adding the option to select “NA” (not applicable) for the Probability / Severity of an event during event creation. This small addition will reduce user confusion

  • Availability: This is available to customers whose plan includes Events.

  • Validation: This update will not affect how your system is configured, but it may impact your event related procedures and processes that may benefit from an “NA” option. Val-Pack documentation has been updated to reflect this enhancement.

Customer Webinar Q&A


  • It would be really great to be able to link events of Supplier Notification of Change or Supplier Corrective Action to Supplier Records, to see if a Supplier is having repeat issues.

    • Thanks for sharing this. I’ve noted this with the team now.

  • We have one supplier for two different programs or studies and for each program or study we have a different sponsor within the company. How can we handle this?

    • Each record/document will equal one data point. No need for users to manage settings beyond this.

  • Once this is launched will the analytics from previous/pending Events be included? AND is there an option to export a report for each analysis?

    • Closed while overdue records are not included at this point but we continue to monitor this request. Regarding exports, users can download a CSV file of counts for each graph by clicking on the 3-dot menu in the top right corner of each image.

  • Is there a way to export the charts as an image?

    • Not at the moment.

  • Is there a way to change the color association in events?

    • Not at the moment.

  • I suppose this feature will help for scheduling audits and training events.

    • Yes, we hope that Analytics is helpful as you prepare for audits and management review meetings.

  • In Analytics, is there a way to see a list of the documents or records applicable in each category? Right now I am just able to see numbers in each category.

    • Monitoring request for future roadmap improvement. Thank you!


  • Can you provide an example when the N/A option for events would be applicable?

    • Some customers are required to select probability and severity when creating an event but we know that these markers often come after event creation. So this eliminates the need to add an element to these required steps and select non-applicable instead.

  • Is there a way to add multiple products to a single event?

    • Not at this point, since Events can only support one product per issue. However, we are currently working on an initiative to make multiple product tagging possible. (No date for release yet, but it's being planned)

  • How come when creating an event and adding description it loses formatting and bunches up text into a paragraph?

    • The description box does not contain a rich text editor. This is an improvement opportunity in the roll out of the new editor for Events. Thank you.

  • How come when exporting an event you cannot see the description in the exported document?

    • This is an improvement opportunity. We will log it. Thank you!

  • Is/when will the document editor carry over to Events.

Document Page Breaks

  • Can you incorporate a default page break preview into the document editor to be able to see where page breaks will occur in exported PDF files without manually adding them? Otherwise documents need to be repeatedly exported during editing to understand how they look in PDF form.

    • Page breaks can currently be seen in the editor when working on documents.

  • When in documents creator and creating a new document, can you see where the the current page breaks / next page are? Or do you have to create the new document and then manually preview it to then see if a table or paragraph goes over 2 pages?

    • Thank you for the feedback, however, at this time you will need to export the document to PDF to see a preview of exactly where the page breaks.

  • If you print from seeing the attachment by hovering over will there be a footer?

    • Right now, it will print just the contents of the attachment without the header/footer. It is something we are considering for a future release.

  • Is it possible to have page numbers displayed under the page breaks?

    • Not on the roadmap at this point.

  • Is it possible to print a form or a document without exporting?

    • Right now this is not possible. You would need to export to a PDF first and then print that way. Over the next 6-12 months we will be working on making usability changes within the documents space and this is something that we will certainly consider.

Document Preview

  • Is document preview only allowed in "editing" or will it be available with effective documents?

    • Document preview is available for both effective documents and draft documents in edit mode.

  • Would doc preview be available for docs that are linked within a document?

    • Not on the roadmap at this point.

General Use Questions

  • When will all of these updates go live?

    • These features are currently in your sandbox and will go live in your production environment on August 10.

  • Are we able to "arrange" documents in a specific order?

    • There is currently no way to arrange documents in a specific order. However, in your Workspace, you are able to sort all of the documents by Type, ID, Title etc in either ascending or descending order.

  • Is there a place where I can find the Launch train calendar?

  • I need access to my organization Sandbox. I do have admin access to the main organization but I do not know how to switch from my main organization to sandbox.

    • You can switch between instances (sandbox and production) by clicking the company name in the upper right corner (next to where your name is) and then selecting the sandbox in the dropdown.

  • Can we expect an internal video/audio recording function for video training?

    • Not on the roadmap at this point

  • Can we save the number of records displayed as default e.g. 100 records.

    • Not on the roadmap at this point.

  • Is there a way to address competency levels in the Manage Trainees section? For example, an employee can read a work instruction, but not have the opportunity to engage in the actual process for full competency.

    • Not on the roadmap at this point.

  • The last update to review comments for documents, which was great, however, the comments are not shown where they were noted and where they are, so it's still hard for the reviewers to know where the comments were originally made. Is there a plan to correct this in the future?

    • Not on the roadmap at this point.

  • Is it possible to group records by various tags in display mode?

    • Yes, documents can also be filtered by tags in analytics.

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