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User Permissions

Understanding the different User Roles, Permissions, and Special Access for Users

Crysta Huszai avatar
Written by Crysta Huszai
Updated over a month ago

This article covers:

User Roles

Every Qualio user must be assigned a user role when added to Qualio. The role can be modified at any time by a Qualio Administrator. There are three User Roles in Qualio: Basic, Normal, and Quality. These roles have incremental access to Qualio features and functionality.

Additionally, Billing and Admin access can be granted to any user in any role.

Administrative Permissions


Quality User

Normal User

Basic User

Billing Access

Admin Access

Billing management

User management

Event Permissions

Manage user groups

Organization settings

Manage tags

Document Workflow Permissions


Quality User

Normal User

Basic User

View the Documents Library

Create & edit templates

Draft documents

Delete draft documents

Bulk Import documents

Access draft documents


Send document for review and approval

Review documents

Approve documents


Make documents effective

Retire documents

Change document owners

Export uncontrolled documents

Export controlled documents

Create & edit periodic reviews


Download uploaded files in their original format




View Document Change Request

Approve Document Change Request

1: Draft must be owned by user trying to access it

2: Co-approval (at least one Quality user is mandatory)

3: Only if they are the document owner

4: Specific to Upload Format documents with an original file format - permissions granted on the document Properties tab.

5: Normal and Quality users can delete draft documents they own.

6: Qualio 2024 plans only - Controlled within Admin settings > Edit user (on by default)

Training Permissions


Quality User

Normal User

Basic User

Access ‘Overall Training’ page from Training tab

Access to ‘Training Report’ page from Document

Access to ‘Your Training Overview’

Assign trainees


Assign bulk training via the Workspace

Complete training

Training Settings

Create and manage Training Plans

1: Only documents they own.

Events Permissions


Quality User

Normal User

Basic User

View Events¹

Create and Manage Event Templates¹

Change Event Template Owner¹

Make Event Templates Effective¹

Delete draft Event Templates¹

Create Events¹

Change Event Owner¹


Close Event early

Reopen Closed Event

Create Step¹

Send Step for Approval

Approve Event Steps


Create & assign Tasks

Complete Tasks

Complete Tasks Step

Export Events

Export Event Reports PDF

Export Event Reports XLSX

Change Owner of Content and Validation Steps



Create Products & Root Causes

1: Configurable on a per-user basis, regardless of user role, by a Qualio Administrator (Click here for more details). Listed permissions in the table are the default settings once enabled.

2: Co-approval (at least one Quality is mandatory)

3: Normal and Basic users can change ownership in events if the “Create and Manage Event Templates” is enabled by the Admin user

Suppliers Permissions


Quality User

Normal User

Basic User

Configure Supplier Policy

Add / import new Supplier(s)

Approve Supplier



Edit Supplier

Export Approved Supplier List (ASL)

Add and view audit documents

View Supplier Audit Trail tab

1: Co-approval (at least one Quality user is mandatory)

Reporting & Analytics Permissions


Quality User

Normal User

Basic User

View Activity report

View Periodic Review report

View Change control report

Export Change Control report

View Audit Trail report

Export Audit Trail report

Access Analytics

Export Analytics data to CSV

Design Controls Permissions


Quality User

Normal User

Basic User

View / open a Product

Add, edit, delete Products

Add, edit, delete Design Elements

Create new Review

Edit Review


Approve a Review²

1: Only Reviews they own.

2: Once approved, Reviews cannot be edited or deleted.

Admin Role and Permission

Any user role (Basic, Normal, or Quality) can be granted Admin access within the Edit user page of Admin settings.

The Admin role addresses the distinction and needs of Quality and IT/Operation Teams. Quality Teams need access to workflow management settings, like templates and tags, while IT/Operation Teams need access to User Management settings.

Users with Admin access see Admin settings as an option in the Settings dropdown. This is the home for user management, where Admins can invite or remove users, add or delete user groups, and manage user properties like role and user group access.

Admin access grants users the flexibility to designate Admin responsibilities to people outside their quality management function. It also sets Qualio up to pursue future functionality that promotes self-service and autonomy among our customer base when configuring Qualio features.

Grant Admin Access to a User

During Qualio Onboarding and during initial feature launch, Qualio Customer Success (CSM, Onboarding Manager, or Support) will need to enable select users with Admin Access. From there, the administrator can grant Admin access to other users.

Admin Access can be granted when inviting new users.

  1. Click the Settings option in the bottom right corner of Qualio and select Admin Settings.

  2. Select Users on the left-side menu.

  3. Click the Invite user button.

  4. Enter the user’s email address, modify the User Role (as needed), and check the box for Admin Access.

  5. Click the Send Invitation button.

Admin Access can be granted or removed from an existing user.

  1. Click the Settings option in the bottom right corner of Qualio and select Admin Settings.

  2. Select Users on the left-side menu.

  3. Identify the user, then click the expansion button and select Edit User.

  4. There you will see the same modal as above and can check or uncheck the Admin Access checkbox. Then click Save.

From the Users page, you can see at a glance who has Admin Access in the far right column.

Billing Access

The ‘Billing access’ permission is available on a per-user basis. Admin users have the ability to opt themselves or other users in or out of access to the Billing Page. If Normal or Basic users are granted Billing access, they see the Organization Settings option from the gear icon in the top navigation bar, but only access the 'Billing' page. This enables team members to retain the Basic or Normal user role + Billing access in case they don't need full Admin or Quality level permissions.

To grant / remove access to the Billing page:

  1. Click the Settings option in the bottom right corner of Qualio and select Admin Settings.

  2. Select Users on the left-side menu.

  3. Identify the user, then click the expansion button and select Edit User.

  4. Check or uncheck the Billing Access checkbox as needed. Then click Save.

From the Users page, you will see which users have access to Billing in the far right column.

Manage User Permissions

Users with 'Quality' and 'Normal' roles can be granted 'Admin access' within the 'Edit user' page of Admin settings. Admin users have extensive control over user permissions within Qualio, ensuring the right people have the right access levels. This includes managing access to features like Events, Suppliers, Design Controls, and API.

How to Update User Permissions

  1. Click the Settings option in the bottom right corner of Qualio and select Admin Settings.

  2. Select Users on the left-side menu.

  3. Identify the user, then click the expansion button (three dots) and select Edit User.

  4. Scroll down to the Permissions section and adjust the toggles for Events, Suppliers, Design Controls, and API access as needed.

  5. Click Save.

Manage Events Permissions

Admin users can grant Event management permissions to other users within their organization. Qualio Onboarding Team will grant initial Event permissions to selected users during Onboarding.

  • View events: Allows users to see events in the system.

  • Create events: Allows users to create new events.

  • Work on an existing event: Allows users to edit and update existing events.

  • Create and manage event templates: Allows users to create and modify event templates.

Important Notes:

  • The Events feature is not available to customers on the Starter pricing plan.

  • All newly added users, regardless of user role, have no access to Events by default. Administrators must adjust permissions manually for new users.

  • The View Event permission must be enabled first before enabling other event permissions.

  • When a user changes roles, the Administrators are given the option to change the permissions to the default of the new role or keep the existing custom permissions/deviations in the user's profile. This does not apply to deleted users.

  • Changes to a user's event permissions are logged on the Audit Trail.

  • Non-Quality users can be granted permission to manage templates. In which case, they will see the Org Settings menu option but then only see the Quality Events tab under the Org Settings menu.

Manage Supplier Permissions

Admins can also adjust Supplier permissions for other users. Granting access to the Suppliers feature will allow the user to access the feature’s full functionality, which includes:

  • Configuring the Supplier Policy (Quality users only): Allows users to set up and manage supplier policies.

  • Managing the Approved Supplier List (ASL): Allows users to add, remove, and edit suppliers on the approved list.

  • Supplier Audit Activities: Allows users to conduct and manage supplier audits.

Note: Suppliers feature is only available to customers on the Growth and Scale plans.

Manage Design Controls Permissions

Administrators can grant Design Control access for a specific user if they are a Quality or Normal user. This allows them to view and edit design control documents within Qualio.

Manage API Permissions

Administrators can grant API capabilities access for a specific user if they are a Quality or Normal user. This allows them to interact with Qualio's API to automate tasks, integrate with other systems, and more.

Note: API access is only available to customers on the Growth and Scale plans.

Beta Features

For current betas, Admin users can toggle features on and off in their Sandbox using the Beta Features menu in the Admin Settings.

Participating in betas allows you to see what's coming up in our Launch Trains and gives you a chance to provide valuable feedback to the Qualio team before a feature is released!

Betas can only be toggled in sandboxes

Qualio Controlled Permissions & Access

Qualio exclusively controls access to the following features. To access them, contact the Qualio Support Team via the in-app chat.

  • Access to view and upload to the Migrations Manager

  • Access to 3rd party Integrations

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