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Help Center Release Notes - October 2022

What changed in the Help Center last month? What changes were minor/major?

Written by Lydia Olu-Harding
Updated over a week ago

As a SaaS (Software as a Service) application, Qualio releases changes to features and functionality on a semi-regular basis. Product Release Notes are available within Qualio by clicking the gear icon and viewing Product Changes. Additionally, Quality Users are notified by email of major changes that require a 30-day validation period.

The Qualio Help Center is updated to reflect new features, bug fixes, knowledge gaps, and best practices as features are released. These Help Center Release Notes are provided to Quality Teams as a helpful reference for what has been changed in the Help Center the previous month. While some customers create separate (and detailed) work instructions for their users, we recommend “least burdensome approach” by referencing article URLs.

Each listed item will be ranked with Qualio’s proposed impact on customer documentation. However, customers should carefully consider each item based on their documentation and what they believe needs to be updated or added. Each item will also be flagged as a new article or updated article.



No Impact

No perceived impact to customer documentation.

Low Impact

Low chances that customers have previously documented features, but may need to be clarified.

Moderate Impact

Likely that customers have documented functionality, but changes won’t immediately affect end-users. Potential documentation changes can be logged for next review.

High Impact

Changed or new functionality which immediately impacts end-user experience. Documentation changes should be immediately considered.

    • Customers can self-serve backup evidence and security policy requests as well as supplier audits and certifications.

    • Low impact. If a customer requires quarterly evidence of impact, they can note the article URL in work instructions for easy access instead of reaching out to their CSM or Support.

    • Added clarification and definition to the Status Updated date field on exported events vs. Last Modified date.

    • No impact.

    • The new editor was released ONLY to new customers who began their Onboarding project started September 1. The feature was launched without updated article support. Existing customers will be migrated to new editor in Q4.

    • No impact. Only affects a handful of new customers with new editor at the precipice of their onboarding project.

    • This was a gap in Help Center documentation. Customers may have created their own documentation of the billing steps and functionality, which has not changed. At their discretion, customers can updated vendor billing instructions to point to this article URL, which will not change in the future, but rather be updated with the latest functionality and best practices.

    • Low impact.

  • Audit Trail - Updates

    • Several new entries have been added to the audit trail for Events feature.

      • Issue Step Status Changed

      • Issue Step Reverted

      • Issue Template Created

      • Issue Template Archived

      • Issue Root Cause Created

      • Issue Root Cause Updated

      • Issue Root Cause Deleted

      • Issue Product Created

      • Issue Product Updated

      • Issue Product Deleted

      • Task Comment Added

      • Updated Task

    • Low impact. Alert: Future changes are planned for relabeling “Issue” to “Event”. We recommend holding off on making changes until the new Events UI is launched, approximately October 2022.

    • Best practice suggestion for customers immediately after onboarding.

    • No impact.

    • Part of the monthly Tips & Tricks customer webinar series, this webinar was geared for audiences new to, or thinking about implementing Design Controls in Qualio.

    • No impact.

    • Clarifying how to do a partial word search with an asterisk (wildcard).

    • Low impact. If customers provide work instructions to users on how to search, they can add this clarification. Qualio suggests updating instructions to point to this article URL that will not change and will always have updated functionality.

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