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Training Plans

How to automate training assignments for user groups and documents

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Written by Rim
Updated over a week ago

Training Plans allow Quality Users to automate training assignments of multiple documents to a group of users, saving Quality Teams from tedious administrative tasks.

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Common Training Plan Ideas

  • Onboarding new employees - Plans can be sequenced by adding employees to groups in a staggered manner. Example:

    • Week 1 add new employees to group New Employee - Week 1

    • Week 2 add new employees to group New Employee - Week 2

    • Week 3 add new employees to the role specific groups like Product Management, Leadership, etc.

  • Manager promotions

  • Team specific Training Plans

  • Quality training

  • Health and Safety training

  • Material Handling

  • Data Security

  • Extended Leave - use this to delay a user's training when they're on leave

Training Plan Workflow

Create new draft

When a new Training Plan is created, it will be in a draft status, version 0.1. Multiple documents and user groups can be added to the Training Plan.

Make Effective

When a Training Plan is made Effective, it is locked from being edited and updated to version 1.0.

How Training Plans Assign Training

A training plan automatically triggers and manages training assignments based on specific events within your Qualio system. This ensures your team stays up-to-date with the latest document versions and any changes made to training requirements.

Training assignments are triggered when

  • A new training plan is made effective: All users in the selected user group will be assigned training on all approved/effective documents included in the plan.

  • A document is added to an existing training plan: Training will be assigned to all users in the associated user group only for the newly added document.

  • A user is added to a user group linked to a training plan: The new user will be assigned training on all documents included in the plan.

  • A document within a training plan is up-versioned (a new version is approved): All users in the associated user group will be assigned training on the new document version, creating a new training record.

Key Points About Training Plans and Existing Training

  • Training plans will only assign training on the latest approved document version. If a user has already completed training on the latest approved version, they won't be reassigned training.

  • If a user is manually assigned training for a document, which is later added to a Training Plan and made effective, the training record will become controlled by the Training Plan. However, the existing completion date and status of the existing training record will not be affected.

  • Documents and groups can be associated with multiple Training Plans. As long as a user is on at least one plan with a document, they will have a training record for that document. Otherwise, they will be unassigned from the training record.

  • If a training record is controlled by a Training Plan, it cannot be manually unassigned. Un-assignment must be done through the plan.

  • If you have existing Training covered by the plan:

    • Existing training will be marked as controlled by the Training Plan.

    • New training will not be assigned for those existing trainings.

    • The assigned date, due date, and completed date of existing training will not be affected.

    • The statuses of existing training will not be changed.

    • You can no longer manually unassign employees from the training; this must be done through the plan.

Revert to Draft

If changes need to be made to the Training Plan, any Quality user can revert it to Draft and modify the document or user group selection. Reverting to Draft will update the version to 1.1. Previously created training records will not be affected while the Training Plan is being modified in a draft state. It is only possible to have one draft version at a time.

Make Effective (Again)

Once the Training Plan is made Effective again, the version will be updated to 2.0, and the changes to the plan will be applied.

  • If a document was removed, the related training records will be unassigned.

  • If a document is added, new training records will be created for users listed in the related groups.

  • If a group was added, all users in the group will be assigned the training.

  • If a group was removed, all users in the group will be unassigned from the training.

Retire Training Plans

Training plans can be retired. Once retired, all training records will be unassigned.

Currently, retired Training Plans cannot be restored. Quality Users must recreate a new Training Plan and make it effective. This will result in new training records being assigned to users regardless of whether the user completed the training prior to the first Training Plan being retired.

Note: Manual training assignments can still be performed ad-hoc from the Document Properties tab or Document Workspace. Click here for instructions.

Create Training Plans

Before creating Training Plans, User Groups must be created to define different types of users by team, location, product, project, etc. Click here for details on creating and managing user groups.

Quality users can access Training Plans from the Training menu on the left navigation panel.

Steps to create a new Training Plan

  1. Click the Add training plan button.

  2. Enter a training plan Title (required) and a description (optional).

  3. Select relevant user group(s) from the Groups dropdown.

  4. Search for and select relevant documents by typing either the document ID or Title in the Documents dropdown

  5. Click the Add Training Plan button when finished.

  6. Make the Training Plan Effective from the Training Plans list view by clicking the expansion menu to the right of the Training Plan and selecting Make Effective.

To edit an Effective Training Plan

  1. Identify the Training Plan from the list view, click the expansion menu to the right of the Training Plan and select Create new draft (image above), or open and preview the Training Plan, then click the Create new draft button.

  2. A new Training Plan draft will be created. Click the Edit option from either the expansion menu on the List View or the Edit button on the Training Plan preview.

  3. Modify the Training Plan title, description, documents, and groups as needed. Then click the Update Plan button.

  4. Make the updated draft Training Plan Effective as described above. ​

Note: When selecting documents, remember that restricted tags will still apply. Users who do not have access to a document with a restricted tag will not be assigned training for that document, even if they are part of a group included in the Training Plan.

Review the Training Plan Workflow detailed above to understand the impact of reverting a Training Plan back to draft and then making it effective again.

To help customers prepare for and organize their Training Plans with related user groups and documents, we’ve created a sample Employee Training Matrix, which can be downloaded below. Use the matrix to visualize and cluster documents and groups into Training Plans. Then, begin creating Training Plans using the matrix as a checklist.

User and Document Management Impact to Training Plans & Training Records

In this section of the article, we’ll detail some scenarios to illustrate the impact of certain actions on training records generated by Training Plans.

Scenario 1: Removing a user from one related User Group and not the other related User Group

  • Jasmine is included in both the Laboratory and Suppliers user groups.

  • A unique training plan exists for each user group, but both include POL-37.

  • ACTION: Jasmine is removed from the Suppliers user group.

  • RESULT: There is no change to the training record. Jasmine is still required to complete training for POL-37 if she has not already completed it. If she has already completed training on POL-37 she will not have to retrain on the current version. No change to the training record’s properties (assigned date, completion date, etc.)

Scenario 2: User is changing teams with some overlapping training assignments

  • Benny is moving from the R&D team to the Management team. Each team has a unique User Group.

  • A unique training plan exists for each user group, but both include POL-24.

  • Benny is 2 months overdue on completing training for POL-24.

  • RECOMMENDED ACTION: Add Benny first to the Management user group, then remove him from the R&D user group.

  • RESULT: Benny’s existing training record for POL-24 will not be affected. It will remain overdue. (If you first removed Benny from the R&D user group then added him to the Management user group, a new training record would be generated with a new due date.)

Scenario 3: A document is updated which requires retraining on each new version

  • POL-16 requires retraining for each new version.

  • POL-16 and the Security user group are related to Training Plan E.

  • ACTION: POL-16 is converted to a new draft and eventually made effective.

  • RESULT: users in the Security user group will be assigned a new training record and tracked to completion.

Training Plan List View & Matrix

All Training Plans along with their statuses and versions can be seen in the Training Plan list view.

From the Training Plans page, a Training Matrix can be exported to a PDF. Click the Generate training matrix button, and the PDF will be prepared and downloaded.

A matrix can also be produced for an individual plan by using the expansion menu on the right of the list view and choose the Generate training plan matrix option.

The Training Matrix is a key artifact use in regulatory and customer audits. It can be exported for the whole organization or by individual plans. The individual plan matrix will be very useful for audits where only some plans are under consideration.

It will display all effective Training Plans along with their related documents and groups. By automating the Training Matrix, Quality teams save time and manual effort of updating their organization’s training requirements to be documented for auditors and third parties.

Training Plan - Troubleshooting Tips

If you can't add a document to a training plan:

  • Try searching by title if you can’t remember the ID

  • Check that training is available for that document type (check the template)

If training is not being assigned, check if:

  • the document has a restricted tag

  • the document is approved

  • the user has already trained on the current version

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