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Event Analytics

Empower your organization with data to shore up compliance, optimize processes, drive accountability and more

Written by Lydia Olu-Harding
Updated over a week ago

Availability: Event analytics are only available to customers with price plans that include Events and when the Quality User has had Events user permissions enabled.

Event Analytics data is refreshed hourly meaning any updates made to an event’s status, tags, root cause, etc. will be reflected in Event Analytics within an hour of the change.

Current pages and graphs:

Status Overview Sheet

Status Breakdown

See how your team is progressing with processing and closing events. Click on the chart to see the breakdown of each status. Apply filters for event type, tag, and change the date range.

Analysis Tips

  1. How many events were created in the last 6 months?

  2. What percentage of events that were created during this time frame have already been closed?

  3. At a glance, how many events are open?

By Product

View the breakdown of Open and Closed events by the related product. “Unspecified” bar indicates events were not tied to a product.

Analysis Tips

  1. Which product had the most amount of events opened in this time period? Are the majority still open?

  2. Which products had all events created and closed within this timeframe?

By Root Cause

View the breakdown of Open and Closed events by the identified root cause. "Unspecified" indicates events were not tied to a product.

Analysis Tips

  1. Because root cause is a property that can be added/adjusted after creation, you may expect to see open events with an unspecified root cause. But you could investigate why closed events have not had a root cause assigned. Do users need to be retrained or the procedure updated?

  2. What were the top 3 assigned root causes in X time period?

  3. Have all issues related to a specific root cause been processed?

  4. Do we have more internal (process, product) or external (vendor) root causes?

Due and Overdue Sheet

By Time

Ensure the timely and effective resolution of quality issues, maintain regulatory compliance, and prioritize your resources. Select a bar to drill down by event type or time frame.

Analysis Tips

  1. How many events are due in Q3 2023?

  2. How can I see which months have the most events coming due?

  3. Are there any overdue events? Should these be evaluated to see what action is needed to close them?

By Owner

Promote accountability and ownership of quality issues and identify where extra support is needed. Select a bar to drill down by event type, and see where your team members need help.

Analysis Tips

  1. Does a user own a large number of events? If this user goes on extended leave, should these events be reassigned?

  2. If there are overdue events, could these be reassigned to a different user to progress them towards closure?

Process Efficiency Sheet


The rate at which events are being closed by your team. Gain insight into the effectiveness of your team’s quality control processes and the speed at twitch they are being addressed. Displays the number of completed events in that month to compare against the rolling average completion rate.

Analysis Tips

  1. Over the past 6 months, what was the average number of complaints closed per month?

  2. 9 Events were closed in February. What caused this increase? Were there more complaints opened than normal?

Cycle Time

The time it takes from creation to close of a quality event. Measuring cycle time helps you identify areas for improvement and allow for optimization in your quality processes.

Displays the average number of days it took to complete an event when the completion date falls in that month. In the example shown below, notice that January 2023 has an average completion time of 122.5 days, which means some events closed in January were created in September 2022 or earlier.

Analysis Tips

  1. January 2023 had a significantly longer time to close compared to other subsequent months. Was a process updated following this month to improve this?

  2. The average time to close for March 2023 was 17.7 days. Was this a result of any changes implemented due to the extended time to close from January?

Cycle Time by Duration

Learn which of your quality processes need the most improvement. Analyze different event types by how long they take to complete.

Analysis Tips

  1. Non-Conformances and CAPAs have been taking over 90 days from open to closure. How does this compare to the associated procedures?

  2. There was an External Audit that took 90 days to complete compared to another that only took a week. What caused this significant difference?

Cycle Time by Owner

Ensure accountability and ownership of quality issues, and identify where extra support is needed. Display the average completion time of events by event owner.

Analysis Tips

  1. Is there a user who has a longer cycle time than others? Is this because the user manages more “involved” event types? Does this user have too much on their plate?

Trends Sheet

Events created

Track event creation activity patterns and uncover emerging quality problems.

Analysis Tips

  1. March and May 2023 had more events created than expected. Did any process changes take place during these two months that could result in these jumps? Should we always expect increases during these months?

  2. Subsequently, the months after the high months have fewer events created. Is this going to be the expected pattern moving forward?

By Product

Are there growing problems with a specific product? Monitor trends and target your investigations to aid in decision-making around product development and product risk management.

Analysis Tips

  1. In the past 6 months, is there a potentially growing trend with any particular product(s)? If so, is there a way we can get in front of this trend?

  2. If a new product was released in March 2023, have we seen issues arise from that release?

Open Actions Sheet

By Action Owner

Track pending tasks, allowing for improved accountability and communication within your team.

Analysis Tips

  1. What users are not approving Task Steps and holding up the Event process?

  2. Can we / should we redistribute workload?

What to Explore Next:

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