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Analytics Overview

Unlock clear real-time visibility of your quality management system

Crysta Huszai avatar
Written by Crysta Huszai
Updated over 9 months ago

The Challenge: Many customers have cited their interest in using analytics graphs for management review and other quality status presentations. Without these common charts and graphs, Quality teams are forced to spend valuable time and resources to process data exports and prepare the visuals. Because of these cumbersome efforts, Quality teams often lack data to support their efforts in day-to-day conversations within their organization.

The Solution: We are excited to now offer customers an MVP (Version 1) of the Qualio Analytics dashboard. Quality role users will have access to the NEW Analytics tab from the top navigation bar. They can then select which page to view; for now, Documents, Training, Events, and Suppliers pages are available, but in the future, a Design Controls page will be available.

Each feature’s page will have multiple sheets displaying different views of the data. The sheets may vary by feature depending on what views and data make sense for that feature. Additionally, all graphs are interactive in that you can “drill down” into more precise data based on other criteria like users, status, type, and measurements of time like weeks or quarters.

Data can also be exported to CSV. At this time, graph images cannot be downloaded, but you can use the exported CSV data to create charts and graphs in Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc. NOTE: The exported data will reflect any filters applied at the time of export.

Who can view Qualio Analytics and data?

Similar to the Reports tab in Qualio, only Quality users will have access to the Analytics tab. The Analytics tab is included in all Qualio packages/price plans. If you have an interest in granting Analytics access to Normal or Basic users, we’d love to hear more about your use case. Please consider submitting an enhancement suggestion via our Support chat.

However, the Analytics tab will honor user permissions and data access restrictions. In other words, if a Quality User does NOT have access to Events and/or Suppliers, they will not see the Event or Supplier Analytics page and data.

Restricted tags and user groups will be included on any chart detailing tags or user groups and displayed for all Quality Users. However, that will not grant the Quality User access to the specific document or event. It will only be included in the overall metrics.

Can other graphs be created or existing graphs modified?

Not at this time. For our MVP Analytics, our Product team has curated specific graphs to address our customers' most pressing questions. This also means, graph colors, size and graph type cannot be modified.

As we continue to work with our customers and understand their needs, we will make additions and modifications. Please consider submitting an enhancement suggestion via our Support chat if you have requests or suggestions to improve our Analytics feature.

Analytics Tips & Tricks - customer webinar

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